Produced and hosted by Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman
Relationship Matters tv is a live stream podcast that showcases a multitude of people who offer skills that support positive personal and professional relationships. Dr. Jan and her team strive to be informative, educational, motivational, inspirational, and entertaining. We take relationship matters seriously because life is about relationships and there are all kinds of relationship matters.
Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman, is a mom, an award-winning author, motivational speaker, relationship communication coach, Distinguished Toastmaster, a 50+ model, and producer and host of “The Mother/Daughter Relationship Show” and “Relationship Matters tv”. In April of 2022, she was crowned Ms. Senior Illinois America.
Dr. Jan believes that communication is the foundation for all relationships, both personal and professional. Relationships are the real currency of our time, and her mission is to improve the quality of relationships through the use of heart felt effective communication.
She was selected as the female entrepreneur to watch by Woman Entrepreneur Magazine, and is on the cover of the February 2022 issue of Courageous Woman Magazine. Her articles appear in Global Achievers Magazine and Woman Entrepreneur Magazine. Dr. Jan is also a Mother/Daughter Relationship coach and knows first-hand of the sometimes challenges in this relationship. Her mission is to assist women to have balance and harmony in this dynamic, often complicated relationship.